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After an eventful anniversary year, the anniversary gala in the Palazzo Halle in Karlsruhe on 18.10.2019 crowned the 100th business year of the family business.

In addition to the approximately 60 employees, numerous customers, suppliers, refineries and international contacts were also among the guests. Wolfgang Fischer, his wife Ingrid Fischer and his two sons Konstantin and Sebastian invited guests to "Pforzheim's newest outpost", as the mayor of the city of Pforzheim, Peter Boch, jokingly referred to the location in the west of Karlsruhe. With its elegant industrial charm, the Palazzo Halle provided an excellent setting for the colorful program.

In addition to the speeches by Lord Mayor Peter Boch and Mr. Wexel from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Wolfgang Fischer himself also had his say and thanked his guests for the good cooperation. The "Ingrid moment" enchanted the entire hall when Wolfgang Fischer thanked his wife - they were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this year - from the bottom of his heart for her support. For supporting him without ifs and buts and not only keeping his back free for company matters, but also for his commitment as a board member of the 1st CfR Pforzheim.

The two sons, who have been an integral part of the company for several years now, were skillfully and charmingly interviewed by the Hamburg presenter Andreas Malessa, and so one or two pieces of information and little anecdotes came to light that were not yet known about the young Fischer duo.

The highlight was undoubtedly the "Fischer Choir", under the direction of Salome Tendies, who provided a goosebump moment with a song composed especially for the anniversary. 21 employees sang an inspiring song in three voices and received thunderous applause afterwards. If you listened to the choir members - many of whom had never sung in a group before - it also brought the singers closer together and created a real team spirit.

The evening was rounded off with a fabulous 3-course meal at the cocktail bar and the opportunity to get up on the dance floor - which many guests took advantage of. The glittering party ended at around 03.00 a.m. and will remain a positive memory for everyone involved for a long time to come.



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