The wedding ring: which side is preferred when wearing it

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The wedding ring: which side is preferred when wearing it

First of all, something straight away: the choice of wedding ring and on which side it is worn are completely individual decisions and are up to each person. However, some people may wonder whether there is a certain symbolism behind the choice of side. It is possible that a deeper meaning behind which side the wedding ring is worn on has a significant influence on the bride and groom's decision. That's why we at Fischer Trauringe have taken a closer look at some facts about wedding rings and which side is associated with which symbolism in this article.

Which side do you wear your wedding ring on: right or left?

The exchange of wedding rings is an integral part of the wedding ceremony. It is also one of the most unforgettable moments when the wedding couple happily put their rings on each other's fingers after saying "I do". As a symbol of togetherness, eternal love and fidelity, the wedding ring has a very special significance in this respect.

However, the question often arises as to which side the wedding ring is worn on and what exactly the symbolism behind it is. Is there a "right" or "wrong" answer? Of course not, because regardless of whether it's on the right or left, it's the bride and groom's personal decision which side of the wedding ring to wear. However, there are different traditions and traditions regarding the wedding ring and which side it should preferably be worn on. In ancient Egypt, for example, wedding rings were worn on the left. The reason for wearing the wedding rings on this side was the assumption that the ring finger of the left hand had a direct connection to the heart.

In Germany, wedding rings are usually seen on the ring finger of the right hand, just like in Austria, Poland, Norway, Russia or Ukraine. However, there are also numerous countries where wedding rings are worn on the other hand, for example in Switzerland, the Netherlands, France and the USA.

Theories on wearing the wedding ring on the right side

There are some assumptions as to why wearing wedding rings on the right has become established in Germany:

Theory 1: Unlike the Egyptians, the Germanic tribes assumed that a love vein led from the right hand to the heart, which meant that wearing the wedding ring on this side was passed down from generation to generation to this day.

Theory 2: Another assumption regarding the choice of which side the wedding ring is worn on is to be found in the Reformation period. Here, wearing it on the right hand is said to have been an expression of the Protestants' protests and represented a differentiation from Catholicism.

Theory 3: The third theory on the question of which side the wedding ring belongs on is based on verses in the Bible which indicate that the right side should stand for the good and the left for the bad. From this, the church "law" developed that the wedding ring should be worn on the "right" side. Long after this stipulation, there was no compromise as to which side the wedding ring should be on.

Theory 4: Ultimately, the right side has always been considered the "good side", which is also reflected in language. We are "righteous", "right" or always "upright", while with bad intentions we are "left" or "have two left hands" or "stand up with the left leg first". Not sufficient proof, but an accurate assumption that shows how deeply rooted our belief in a good and a bad side is and therefore decisive for the choice of which side to wear the wedding ring.

Despite attempts to explain this, no clear evidence has yet been found as to how the answer to the question of which side the wedding ring should be worn really came about.

...or would you prefer the left?

Due to the various historical theories, the wearing of wedding rings on the right side has presumably become established. In Germany at least, it is also a common way of identifying a married person, as no other ring is usually worn on the right ring finger than the wedding ring. However, which side is preferred for wearing the symbol of togetherness is not prescribed by law. As a result, some couples today choose to wear their wedding rings on the ring finger of their left hand. There are usually very pragmatic reasons for this: Right-handed people in particular, who work a lot with their right hand, for example, benefit from wearing it on their left hand. The wedding ring on this side is far less distracting and therefore receives fewer signs of wear.

Conclusion on wearing the wedding ring: which side is a matter of taste

Fortunately, wearing the wedding ring on the right-hand side is no longer compulsory today and so each couple can decide for themselves on which side the wedding ring should be placed. Despite the traditional background, a wedding ring worn on the left side also has its advantages. Regardless of which side the wedding rings are worn on, the elegant pieces of jewelry from our company cut a fine figure on every hand! Find your nearest Fischer Jewelry partner right here and let our collection inspire you for your wedding!

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