Wonderful wedding customs for every taste

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Wonderful wedding customs for every taste

There are at least two categories into which people who hear the word "wedding customs" can be divided. One group pricks up their ears with curiosity and dreams of enhancing their own celebration with as many customs as possible. The other camp, on the other hand, has many question marks in their eyes: aren't wedding customs somehow outdated and rather stuffy? Supporters of both sides have come to the right place! Fans of wedding customs will find a small overview of beautiful customs here at Fischer Trauringe and the skeptical faction will certainly find that one or the other wedding custom is perhaps quite nice after all!

Flowery wedding customs for an even more festive atmosphere

Nothing happens at a wedding without flowers, right? That's right! And many wedding customs are also associated with the colorful and fragrant gifts of nature. First and foremost is the bridal bouquet - and above all the way in which a bride "gets rid" of this bouquet, albeit with a heavy heart. If the bride loves wedding traditions, this is not done casually, but in front of the assembled guests. The bride blindly throws her bouquet in the direction of a group of unmarried women. The lucky or surprised woman who catches the bouquet can expect to get married soon! At least that's the cute superstition associated with the wedding custom of throwing the bouquet.

Are there any other wedding customs associated with flowers? But of course! Who doesn't know them - the cute flower children who make it rain flowers when the bride and groom leave the registry office or the church after the ceremony? In some regions of Germany, there is also the beautiful custom of decorating the wedding couple's front door with an expansive wreath, which in turn can be decorated with flowers. Plants and flowers always spread good cheer and festivity, so many wedding traditions rely on these accessories!

Wedding customs that test the couple as a team

Let's move on to something more tangible than flowers and romance. This refers to wedding customs that represent a small task for the bride and groom to complete together as a team. For example, the bride and groom have to saw up a tree trunk together - possibly with a blunt tool. Only when this task has been completed can the wedding party continue. Let's hope that the bride and groom really get on well together!

If you prefer something less rustic, you can use a sheet with a heart painted on it, which the bride and groom cut out with tiny scissors. This is not exactly easy and requires patience and skill. Once it's done, the groom can proudly step through the hatch with his bride in his arms. Both the tree trunk sawing and the game around the cheerfully painted bed sheet are wedding customs that are now real classics and can be found in every wedding magazine. However, many other wedding games are also based on the idea that the bride and groom should prove what a good team they make. They are not yet considered wedding traditions, but particularly creative wedding guests can also come up with their own individual wedding games to at least roughly tie in with the tradition in question.

Wedding customs for an even more festive mood  

We now also have something for those wedding couples who don't like the usual wedding customs. How about customs that neither have to have a very romantic touch, as is the case with flowery wedding customs, nor offer the potential for a proper embarrassment, as is the case with many wedding games? That sounds good, doesn't it? There are also wedding customs that simply provide even more opportunity to celebrate. These are explicitly the well-known stag party and the somewhat more modern stag or hen party. Both celebrations offer a great opportunity to integrate many small wedding customs before the engaged couple can devote themselves to the wedding rings and jewelry. And in the broadest sense, the many wedding anniversaries that the bride and groom will celebrate in the coming years can perhaps also be seen as wedding customs. Ultimately, all those who have been happily married for a long time will also get their money's worth

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