Home page » Latest news » How to make your wedding the perfect day - it's all a question of attitude

Everything seems perfect: you've found your partner for life and all that's left to do is say "I do". But wait - if you and your partner want to celebrate your wedding beautifully and want this day to be as perfect as your happiness, there is also a lot to do. However, we at Fischer Trauringe don't want to present you with the usual, extensive to-do list here, which provides information about all the tasks involved in planning a wedding. Instead, we would like to show you how you can turn your wedding day into a perfect event!

Start dreaming early - This is how great ideas for the wedding come about!

Wedding planning must be approached in a structured way - ideally with a sharp pencil, lists, a calculator and the latest wedding magazine always in hand. Of course, there is some truth in this statement if you want everything to go well at the wedding and keep it affordable. But don't forget that at the very beginning of planning your wedding, you should not neglect dreaming. If you don't immediately think about all the possible restrictions due to party location, wedding budget, choice of date etc., you can think more freely, find out what you really want for your own wedding and come up with the best ideas! The second step is to compare your dreams with reality, the circumstances and your financial possibilities. Think about it: What is more important to you? Beautiful wedding rings and jewelry or a big gift for your guests? Surely a lot of what you want for your wedding can be realized if you can remain flexible in other respects and find compromises in this way!

All loved ones on board?

Don't worry - you don't have to celebrate your wedding on one of the seven seas or on a river. But you should have all the people who mean a lot to you "on board" at your wedding. This will create a secure and joyful atmosphere at your wedding! However, this also requires thorough and good scheduling as well as careful invitation management. You should only save yourself both if you and your partner make a conscious decision to get married alone or in a very small circle. This also has its charm.

You should also have the courage to deliberately not invite people who could spoil your good mood when celebrating a big event. The bitchy, distant cousin and the overbearing colleague are therefore welcome to stay at home if you fear they could negatively influence your wedding through inappropriate behavior and bad moods. And if you are annoyed by an invited guest? Just smile and ignore them! Focus on the positive and simply ignore the negative on the day of your wedding.

Treat yourself - your wedding is your big day!

Is your wedding budget small? Nevertheless, there will be one or two wishes that you can still fulfill. Many bridal couples think more about how comfortable and well looked after the wedding guests feel than about their own needs. Of course, as the host, you have a duty to look after your guests well. However, no one has to be offered pure luxury as a guest at a wedding. Have the courage to think about yourself. For example, if a limited selection of drinks (sparkling wine, wine, beer, soft drinks, water) helps you to raise the money for the band that you really want to play at your wedding, go ahead! Your guests will also benefit greatly if you as the wedding couple are completely happy and radiate this happiness. This mood is infectious and will certainly make up for the lack of an exclusive cocktail bar.

Despite all perfection - serenity brings the most joy!

The big day has arrived! And oh what a shock - the wedding cake has fallen, the groom falls over the train of the wedding dress or the wedding car was unfortunately parked under a tree on which a flock of birds has settled? Small mishaps and misadventures at the wedding are half as bad if you take them in your stride! Something goes wrong at almost every wedding - sometimes even a significant subtlety. Many things go unnoticed by the guests because they don't know your master plan, and others can be easily covered up if the bride and groom remain in a good mood. With this in mind: don't attach too much importance to perfection, but keep your sense of humor and simply your joy at finally being able to say "Yes!" to each other with your personal wedding rings.

With us, Fischer Trauringeyou will find a large selection of wedding and diamond rings for your big day. Feel free to browse through our range to round off your wedding day perfectly!

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