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Being named a bridesmaid is a great honor. You have been with your friend through good times and bad for years, which is why she wants you by her side on what is probably the most important day of her life. For this reason, you should take your task seriously. When you decide to tie the knot with your beloved partner, there are countless organizational tasks for the future spouses. And this is where the bridesmaid comes into play.

As a bridesmaid, you support the bride throughout the wedding preparations and not just on the wedding day itself. You should definitely share your concerns with your friend and not take on the role purely out of a sense of duty if you don't feel up to the task. A bridesmaid is much more than just emotional support on the day of the wedding. For example, she can help with choosing the wedding dress, making or designing the invitation cards or choosing the wedding decorations. The organization of the hen party also falls under the duties of a bridesmaid. We from Fischer Trauringe will give you an insight into the tasks that await you.

The long tradition of the bridesmaid

The office of bridesmaid has a long tradition, but it was not always as friendly as it is today. Originally, the bridesmaid served to distract spirits and demons from the bride. According to folklore, evil spirits were particularly keen on virgin brides. For this reason, bridesmaids in earlier times also wore dresses that resembled the bride's dress and walked down the aisle in front of the bride. If a demon was after the bride, it would be misled by the similar dresses and thus kept away from the real bride. The bridesmaid was thus appointed to protect the bride-to-be from all spiritual dangers.

Nowadays, after the best man, she is probably the bride's most important helper. She helps with all the wedding preparations as well as with the selection of wedding rings and jewelry and provides the bride with advice and support. Being named a bridesmaid is a great honor and shows how important you are to your friend. You should not take this task lightly and always be there for the bride-to-be. You are also an important support on the wedding day. You try to calm the nerves of the nervous bride and make the most beautiful day of her life as pleasant as possible. A bridesmaid has a special role during a wedding. She walks down the aisle before the bride and is more the center of attention than the other guests during the wedding ceremony and the subsequent celebration. As a bridesmaid, you should have a certain talent for organization and keep a cool head even in stressful situations.

Bridesmaid - important support on the most beautiful day of your life

If a good friend asks you to be her bridesmaid, this is of course a very special honor. However, you should take your time with the answer and not rush into anything. After all, as a bridesmaid you have different tasks that not only take time, but can also involve certain costs. As a bridesmaid, you should support the bride with the planning in the weeks and months before the wedding. Organizing a wedding can be very time-consuming and you should offer your help to the bride from time to time to show her that you are always by her side. The organization of the hen party is also your responsibility. You should make sure that this day is unforgettable for the bride and that she can celebrate her last day of freedom in style. In doing so, you should definitely take into account the bride's needs and dreamy ideas from wedding magazines in order to avoid unpleasant or embarrassing situations on the day of the hen party. After all, you want to support the bride and make the time leading up to the big wedding day as stress-free as possible.

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