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Complaints procedure

J. Fischer & Sohn KG has established a complaints procedure to give external parties (whether individuals or interest groups) the opportunity to report complaints, concerns or grievances in connection with J. Fischer & Sohn KG's supply chains.

These complaints may relate to violations in connection with the procurement of raw materials. Other examples of possible violations include disregard for human rights, poor working conditions, violations of environmental regulations and payments of bribes or kickbacks.

Sebastian Fischer, member of the management team at J. Fischer & Sohn KG, is responsible for implementing and reviewing this process.

Anonymized message

Interested parties can send their concerns by e-mail to the following address:

Complaints are accepted anonymously. Fischer guarantees to take every complaint seriously and to process it promptly. In addition, Fischer guarantees the source that it will maintain confidentiality and treat the complaint confidentially and sensitively (unless disclosure is required by law).

Editing process

Once a complaint has been received, the procedure is as follows:

  • A detailed report on the complaint is prepared
  • The complaints procedure is explained to the person who submitted the complaint. Expectations of the procedure are also queried.
  • A person with the necessary expertise is appointed within the company so that the complaint can be forwarded to an appropriate body, e.g. the supplier or an institution.
  • If the complaint can be dealt with internally, as much further information as possible (possibly including evidence) will be obtained.
  • All measures are identified and monitored accordingly.
  • After a thorough examination of the facts, the person who submitted the complaint will be informed of all decisions and results.
  • The complaint and the associated documentation will be archived for at least five years.


Fischer undertakes to investigate and deal with any incident or complaint promptly and, where further investigation is required, to find an appropriate solution. Furthermore, Fischer will not take any action whatsoever against any person who submits a complaint to Fischer in good faith.