
The "Flora" collection strikes a particularly romantic chord in us. It reminds us that we are part of nature. This is where we feel the original life and feel miraculously at home.









Special feature

Special feature

The outside-in principle

You can choose whether the floral pattern adorns the outside or inside of your ring.

Most women like to wear the Flora design for all to see, while men prefer it to be more discreet on the inside of the ring. Nevertheless, the two rings are inseparable.

Just like the lovers wearing them.


Floral wedding rings

Following the great success of the "Rose Ring", Fischer & Sohn has once again taken up the "Inside/Out" theme and launched a collection with a floral design, characterized by flower and tendril patterns. The sales figures for the rose ring undoubtedly speak for themselves and Fischer has once again confirmed its pioneering role in innovative design. Since its launch in 2011, the design has often featured in competitor collections, but only FISCHER delivers the original! Under the motto "Fischer fascinates. Not just women!", this collection is designed to appeal to future husbands in particular.


The highlight

Ladies often prefer it playful and enchanting, while men prefer classic and simple. For the rings to do justice to both, they need a special touch. Fischer has convincingly implemented this in the new collection.

The lady can enjoy the floral pattern visible on the outside every day, while the gentleman wears a supposedly simple wedding ring on the outside. But even if the two wedding rings seem to have very little in common at first glance, the bride and groom know that these high-quality rings are reassuringly alike and belong together, just like they do.